

Geoelectrical Signatures and their Relationships with the Lateritic Horizons: A Case Study of the N4EN Mine’s Iron Cave, Carajás Complex, Brazil
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Geoelectrical Signatures and their Relationships with the Lateritic Horizons: A Case Study of the N4EN Mine’s Iron Cave, Carajás Complex, Brazil

Guilherme Prosdocimi, Marco Antonio Braga, Marcelo Barbosa and Iuri Viana Brandi



The Brazilian speleological heritage is protected by laws, and every region where caves are present requires scientific studies to assist in environmental licensing. In the context of mining in iron formations, the near-surface geophysical studies using electroresistivity survey were performed in the cave N4E-0022, located at the N4EN iron mine, Carajás Complex, northern Brazil. The near-surface geophysical surveys generated continuous images that enhanced the lithostructural mapping of the lateritic profile, especially in places to which access by conventional methods was difficult. The electrical resistivity profiles were acquired with the dipole-dipole arrangement in the upper portion of the cave. Three sections were performed in SW-NE direction and two in SE-NW direction, totaling 435 meters of acquisition. The geoelectrical signatures were correlated with the lithologic logs of drillholes, the geophysical well logging and with the typical lateritic profile in the cave N4E-0022 surroundings. The results showed a satisfactory interpretation for the near-surface geoelectrical profiles and evolved to a comparison with the lateritic profile (lateritic crust, transition horizon, and saprolite horizon), providing inherent resistivity signatures for each modeled material.

Keywords: applied geophysics, iron cave, Carajás.

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